10 quotes for when your heart is broken
When the heart breaks the world immediately loses its colour, nothing matters. All you can do is curl up and hurt, and sob, and hurt. You can’t even watch movies because every time a couple embraces; when they make love, or look at each other in a way that reminds you of what you once had you feel a stab of pain, not metaphorical pain, a literal stab of pain in your heart, like the knife which became embedded in it when they left has been twisted. It is a sickness of the worst kind, one that man still has no cure for.
You wake up in the night and the room is darker than ever, your bed is empty, and your heart is on fire. Where are they? The one who broke your heart?
The thing about heartbreak is although incurable with any form of prescription, pill, or potion there is one remedy; time.
One day you will wake up and the sun will shine brighter, suddenly you can hear the birds chirping again, a week later you find yourself laughing and you realise the pain has subsided.
Then, when the time is right, your eyes will meet the eyes of another and there it is; the familiar flutter, the feeling of hope, and you know your heart has pieced itself back together, and although scarred, it’s beginning to work again.
These short poems are for those who’ve had their heartbroken.
From Foolish by J Střelou
From Unsent Love Notes by J Střelou
From Her Story by J Střelou
From Foolish by J Střelou
From Foolish by J Střelou
From Her Story by J Střelou
From Foolish by J Střelou
From Foolish by J Střelou